Academically and politically, my senior year at Western Washington University was a bit skewed by an angry yet tenured professor retiring with a quarter’s notice. In a scurry to fill gaps, the rest of the faculty was spread thin and some electives were made unavailable.

To mitigate, several “temporary” professors were hastily installed. I experienced one such professor for my senior digital communications class. Without experience teaching the course as in our curriculum and with us all being busy with our senior project, I can’t say it was the most I’ve learned in a class.

According to the course description, the course is:

An upper-division study of modern, digital communications concepts and techniques. Topics include sampling, quantizing, digital modulation and detection methods, baseband signaling and line codes, bandpass signaling, synchronization, and error detection. Several case examples will be presented throughout the course.

The stop-gap professor for the course spent a long time covering concepts in Fourier analysis (orthogonality, convolution) yet failed to discuss the more practical applications, which was the intention of the course. As an EET curriculum, we weren’t quite adept to the more rigorous math techniques involved.

In attempting to bridge the gap, I came up with a solution. I found these lectures from Stanford, presented by professor Brad Osgood. The course website has accompanying lecture notes and problem sets. I’m slowly working through them, brushing up on (and improving) my calculus in the process.